Friday, November 16, 2007


I received a surprise package today. YAY, a package for me! Flip over and it was from France. So I know it's my gift from Cooking Ninja from answering the correct answer. I tried to find the direct link on that post but I just couldn't recall which post already so I gave up. What is it huh? Couldn't understand a word from the box!

Let's open and see! Hmmm...what is it huh? Still no clue!

What is it huh? Hahaha... Look at the ingredients list at the back, can't understand a word also, but managed to see a word Melon in it. So, I'm guessing it's a Melon Candy? But what kind of melon I don't know. It's my first of seeing and eating this kind of candy.

Look who else is enjoying this candy! Got a thumb up from her as well and she totally loved it! Okay, assuming this is how we eat it and what I assumed it is to be, if not "teruk lah"! LOL!

Thanks Cooking Ninja for my surprise gift from France! Please do let me know what it is okay? :)

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