Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Edda Update

Little Edda is now crawling every where in the house. She loves to explore every thing by touching and tasting. Her current obsession is standing with the help of an object. Ever since she discovered that she could stand on her own with help, she has been standing up in her crib calling me to wake up. It is a sight to be seen every time I open my eyes to see her standing there with her head pop out looking at me. I caught her climbing up the stairs the other day, she was on the third stairs before I realized it and she just gave me a big wide smiles, like telling me, look mommy, look at what I have accomplished!

She now has three teeth on top and two teeth at the bottom, making it five. With the new found teeth, now she is eating cookie like a pro. She realized that she could actually bite the cookie into pieces as well as chocolate. I gave her some spaghetti with meat sauce the other day and she loved it. She just slurping the noodle away. She loves to eat by using her fingers, and yes she finally achieved pincher grasp and can pick up thing as little as a rice grain. What a mommy nightmare! She is drinking through her sippy cup, mommy glass and even surprised mommy the other day by drinking through a straw cup! *only happen once though*

She claps her hands when she is happy. She would lean on our shoulder when we asked her to. She also loves to sing along with mommy whenever she hears the alphabet song "ABC". It is too cute to hear her sing along with her baby voice because I never realize baby can sing too! Now I am teaching her how to wave bye-bye and can't wait to hear her utter her first word preferably "mama". ^0*

Look at her trying to play with her sister's notebook. LOL!

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