Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Dried Shrimp Sambal (Sambal HaeBee)

I finally made my first sambal haebee. Both hubby and I love eating this sambal but I just never make it on my own, not sure why. Probably lazy...hahaha...

Well, decided to make it today using my short cut version. Viola, it's so yummy with white rice. Would be delicious spread in sandwich too. Okay, here's my recipe if you want to try it.


1 cup dried shrimps, soften with hot water, drained
1 large yellow onion, cut into big chunks
1/2 tsp. belacan powder or more if you like
5 Tbp. my ground chillies in oil, more if you like it spicy
6-8 tsp. sugar or to taste
1/2 tsp. salt or to taste
1 Tbp. lime juice or to taste
Sprinkle of paprika powder
Cooking oil


1. Process the dried shrimp in a food processor until fine, take out and set aside.

2. Process the onion in a food processor until fine, drain the onion juice and set aside.

3. Heat oil, when hot, add grounded onion, stir-fry for a while and add belacan powder. Saute and add dried shrimps. Keep stirring until all well mixed.

4. Add ground chillies in oil and add salt, sugar and lime juice. Saute for a while and add paprika powder.

5. Do a taste test and season to taste with sugar, salt or lime juice if one or two is lacking.

6. Cook at low heat, keep stirring until it's drier.

~Yield about 1 1/2 cup.

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