Just out of the blue I decided to make pork floss mini puffs on that day. The reason was because I wanted to test out this agaration puff pastry that failed on me when I made my curry puffs few months ago. I used to make a good one 10+ years back and I refused to believe I couldn't get it right again. I used to make lots of pork floss mini puffs and pleated it by hands (no child at that time) and baked it in the oven. It was really a tasty treat and a healthier version . Being stubborn, I just had to try it again. Alas! I failed again! I am not happy with the texture of the puff (better than the first though), but "bolek makan lah" (edible). I only made about 20 pieces and it were all gone the same night. BUT, I wanted it to look like those sold at the pasar malam (night market) you know. *sigh*
Guess I just couldn't recall anymore and have to resort into following a recipe instead of agar-agar myself. The ingredient I remember was simple, it has butter, flour, salt and water. But I just couldn't remember how much to agar-agar anymore (the butter and water part). :0(